
My blog has quite a lot of posts about Samuel West (Julius Caesar, On Chesil Beach and Darkest Hour) and Charles Edwards (My Fair Lady Australian tour and Henry IX).

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Samuel West - CBeebies bedtime stories, Book of Disquiet, Ode to Shakespeare

On 18 December, Sam will be the guest on Ruth and Martin's Album Club. He will listen to something from 1965 for the first time (via their Twitter, @RamAlbumClub).

He has recorded five bedtime stories for CBeebies, which will be broadcast in January (his Twitter, @exitthelemming).

Sam confirmed that he will perform Garrick's Ode to Shakespeare on tour with Ex Cathedra from 22 April to 28 May, in various venues in the Midlands (the Guardian reported this in 2014).


Last week, Sam went to a protest against the closure of The Cass (the Sir John Cass Art, Architecture and Design Faculty, London Metropolitan University) - see this tweet from the National Campaign for the Arts (NCA) and pictures from @highburyonfoot/Caroline Russell 1|2
The NCA has tweeted their response to the UK government's Spending Review. It was written by Sam, who is the chair of the organisation.
He read from AA Gill at the Comment Awards (@ruthmastenbroek, @susiesymes1, @ayeshahazarika and @exitthelemming).
Sam tweeted a diagram (?) of stage directions from Book of Disquiet rehearsals. It will be performed 21-24 January at Montclair State University (click here for tickets) and the Southbank Centre 24-25 February.

Here is a selection of tweets about D'Apres Shakespeare (Rouen Théâtre des Arts 20 November et Le Havre, Le Volcan 21 November).

Sam recorded his contribution to the Portrayal of Disability conference (19 November) due to a scheduling conflict (rehearsals for D'Apres Shakespeare).

The Peace Brigades International website has a recap and photos from "Shakespeare and the Law" (16 November). Sam, Juliet Stevenson, Sheila Hancock and Alex Jennings performed excerpts from The Merchant of Venice, Hamlet, Measure for Measure, Twelfth Night and Henry IV.

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